Toy's Story Read online

Page 12

  “Hey! Hey! Hey! Step away from the attorney. She doesn’t want you slobbering all over her.” The guard commanded.

  “My bad, Ms. Waters is an old friend.” Jamar apologized as he backed away from me.

  “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. He’s just a little excited to see me.” I smiled and offered my apology.

  “I can understand that. I’m kind of excited to see you too.” The guard mumbled as he eyed my goodies, unconsciously licked his lips and mentally molested my breast.

  Naturally, I ignored it. Hell, let him look, it’ll just make it a little easier on Jamar the next time he encounters him.

  “Somebody is glad to see me.” I joked as I casually returned my attention to Jamar to find him mentally groping my ass. I ignored him to. “Have a seat and tell me what happened.”

  Jamar set across from me and watched in silence as I prepared to take his statement. “So that’s how it is between you and me now? We strictly business? Huh Toy?”

  “What? Stop being silly. We just don’t have a lot of time before the arraignment and I need to know exactly what we’re up against.”

  “I know, but you didn’t even ask me how I was doing?”

  “Really Jamar, because you look fine. A little dusty but you don’t look like the boys on the cell block been beating that ass before they tap that ass.” I joked.

  “I wish a bitch would try.” Jamar rolled his eyes and looked off into space.

  I snickered. Yeah, I’d probably have to defend you for triple homicide.”

  “You’d better believe it!”

  “Okay so what happened? We’re running out of time. Tyson’s trying to get you switched to the last slot on the court docket, but that’s still pushing it.”

  “I don’t give a damn about that shit. I still have feelings for you Toy. Don’t you even give a fuck about me anymore now that you’re suckin Ritchie Rich’s dick?”

  “Why would you say that? Because I didn’t ask you how you were you holding up? I was in a fuckin car accident stranded in Fuckemindabutt, West Virginia and it never occurred to you to ask me how I was doing. I survived getting my little feelings hurt and so will you. Stop acting like a damn little girl! These charges are serious. You know I love you and you know I care about you, so stop whining and let me do my fuckin job!” I snorted behind a pretty smile so our conversation wouldn’t draw the attention of the guard.

  “Alright fair enough, so we’re even now.” Jamar relaxed back in his chair and reined his feelings in.

  “Yes we are now even.” I said as I took my pen out of my designer original purse.

  “You look good as a mother fucka. My dick is so hard it’s about to flip this fuckin table.”

  “You know what? You need to stop.” I said as I casually tossed my pen on my legal pad in total surrender. “Okay, so you let me know when you’re done.”

  “What happened to you and me Toy? Your skin use to boil if I said something like that. I don’t have any effect on you anymore. Do I?”

  “Not really, but keep wasting time and you’ll have twenty five years to life to figure it out.” I sarcastically offered.

  “You don’t give a fuck about me! You never did. Did you Toy? I was just a hard dick to satisfy that insatiable wet pussy of yours. Right?”

  Now, I don’t know what happened but something just snapped inside of me. Perhaps it was the fact that this crusty ass, fuckin nigga was trying to embarrass me by getting loud and putting my damn business out in the street. I looked like a damn thousand dollar and hour attorney in my custom designer suit and designer original pumps. I couldn’t believe that this mother fucka put it out there that I use to suck his seven dollar an hour dick. Suddenly all professionalism just left my body and the mad, bitter, black, ghetto bitch emerged. And trust me, she was fucking pissed.

  “You know what you have some fuckin nerve! If I didn’t give a fuck about you I wouldn’t be here. I quit my job and moved to Vegas over two months ago. For all practical purposes I am filthy fucking rich! I don’t even practice anymore. Still, I left my man at home with a big old bat for a dick and one hundred million dollars in the bank to come down here to deal with your monkey ass and your monkey shit! And believe me when I say he was mad as hell about it! You have no idea the shit storm of bullshit I’m going through right now because of your stupid ass! So if you really think that I really don’t give a shit about you, well I’ll take my hundred million dollar Ritchie Rich dick sucking ass home and your five dollar ass can go to jail for the rest of your pathetic fucking life over some stupid ass monkey shit! Because your Public Defender is a dumbass who’s never won a single damn case in his entire fuckin life. And me, Zatoya Waters… I’m the shit! I’m the toughest bitch in the Tri State area and lucky for you I’m free. So what you gonna do Jamar? You want to whine about me and you not fucking anymore or do you want me to get your ass out of here so you can go home and see your kids? Let me know, because I got a whole lot of dick sucking to do with my wet pussy ass!” I screamed.

  Noticing the guard quickly approach to see if everything was okay I immediately gave him the give me one more minute hand gesture.

  “Miss Waters is everything okay?” He asked as he eyed Jamar who was squirming around in his chair like a little kid about to get the shit slapped out of them by their mother. “Is everything okay man?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine.” Jamar mumbled unable to take his eyes off of me.

  “Good cause it looked like she was about to go on your ass.” He chuckled. “Just don’t hurt him Miss Waters. It would be funny as hell, but the paperwork would be a bitch.”

  “So what’s it going to be Jamar?” I asked as I began to pack my shit to leave, not really giving a good damn what his answer was going to be.

  “Sit down Toy and stop tripping in here before you have them lock my ass up in the hole. Fuckin with you. You always were mean as hell.”

  Jamar began to recant his story verbatim. I was recording his statement so I remained absolutely silent and did not interrupt him once. Fifteen minutes later he concluded.

  “Is that everything Mr. Brown? Is there anything that you want to add or subtract from your story?” I asked.

  “No that’s the truth and the whole truth. I didn’t carjack or shoot anyone Miss Waters.”

  “Okay. This ends the deposition of Jamar Travon Brown.” I said as I fumbled with the recorder off switch.

  “So what do you think Toy?”

  “Just a second, let me make sure this is off.” I said as I double checked the digital recorder to make sure it was off before I spoke. “Okay it’s off.”

  “So what do you think?”

  “Wow, you want to know what I think? I think that…” I hesitated and tried to choose my words carefully. “How can I put this? Okay… I think that you’re a FUCKIN IDIOT! That’s what I think. Oh my God! What the hell were you thinking? Why did I even ask that question, because it’s obvious that you weren’t thinking?”

  “Toy…” He tried to interrupt.

  “No, don’t stop me I may have just come up with our defense. I’ll just say, ‘Your Honor we plead Not Guilty on the grounds that my client is a complete FUCKIN MORON!’ How could you possibly be that moronic?”

  “I know it was stupid, but damn. You make it sound like I’m retarded or something.”

  “Don’t even insult retarded people by putting yourself in their class. Jamar you come across a car half assed parked in the middle of the street… with the driver’s door wide open and your dumb ass goes near it. Not only do you go near it you decide to go through a pile of CDs on the seat and take some. A fuckin five year old could tell that the car was stolen and abandoned. Then you have the damn dumb ass audacity to close the damn door and then half ass wipe your prints off the handle. Fuckin retarded ass moron! I can’t believe I slept with your ass for two years and didn’t realize that you were a certifiable buffoon.” I snapped.

  Shocked at my outburst, Jamar simply burst into robust l
aughter. “Yeah, you’re right, that was some pretty dumb ass shit, even for me. But in my defense you know that I collect CDs. And when we were together, I don’t recall a lot of sleeping going on.”

  “You’re an ass, but you’re right. There really wasn’t a lot of time to sleep.” I laughed. “Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say all that. It’s just that I was holding it all in and I exploded once that recorder was turned off. Okay I’m going to be professional again. So I think we have a good shot of getting this thrown out, provided we can locate some witnesses. Hopefully the owner of the vehicle pulls through and can identify the carjacker. If so we’re home free.”

  “That’s good news, but I don’t think anybody saw me getting the CDs. I wouldn’t have taken them if anyone was around.”

  “Yeah, but someone may have seen the person who abandoned the vehicle there. Luckily you had your Footlocker uniform on. It’s hard to miss the broad black and white stripes on that shirt.”

  “Yeah I know. This is one time I’m glad I had that stupid ass job. That uniform may have saved my life.”

  “I think you’re right. Look I’d better get going. I brought some clothes for you to wear to court so that you’ll at least look decent and nonthreatening.”

  “Toy I hate to ask, but could you drop something, anything by for my kids. They locked me up on payday before I could make my rounds. ”

  “Don’t worry about it, consider it done. I’ll make sure they have what they need until you get home.”

  “Thanks Toy, you’re the best.”

  “No problem.”

  “Hey man is it all right if I give my attorney a hug? She’s going to represent me for free.” Jamar asked the guard.

  “Sure go ahead. Maybe she’ll give me a hug too.” The guard winked.

  “Sure why not.” I agreed as I walked over and gave the burly middle aged white man a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for the extra latitude to deal with my client. I have some unorthodox methods, but they get results.”

  “No problem Miss Waters. You’re still one classy, sexy lady.”

  “Thanks George.” I smiled as I read his name off his name tag.

  Jamar waited all but patiently for his chance to hold me in arms. He pulled me in close hugged me tight and buried his face in my hair. He took a long drawn out whiff of it before kissing me on my shoulder blade. “I love you so much lady. I wish I could have been the nigga that you needed me to be.”

  “You were the man and the friend that I needed at the time and I will always love you for being a perfect gentleman with me. Don’t worry I’ll take care of your family, well families until you get straight.”

  “I probably lost my job.” His voice cracked.

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll get you another one.” I smiled trying not to become emotional.

  “Yeah, I forgot you’re with the hundred million dollar man. See if he can hook me up with a Footlocker Franchise.”

  “Consider it done. I can bank you if he won’t.”

  “For real, for real?

  “Yes for real. But you’re going to have to take some business classes. I can’t have an imbecile squandering my investment.” I joked.

  Jamar laughed. “That’s okay I think I can do that.”

  At that very moment Tyson knocked at the door. “Zatoya we have to get going.”

  “Okay I’ll be right out.”

  “He loves you, you know that right?” Jamar observed.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “He’s a good guy, Toy. I mean if things don’t work out with Logic, you should consider giving him a fair chance. I’ll even stay out of the way this time. I promise.”

  I snickered. “Whatever. Look I’ll see you in court in a few. The bails going to be high as hell, so no chance you’ll make bail. So let’s just pray for a good Judge and a miracle, because we’re going to need both if this man doesn’t pull through and wake up.”

  “God’s got this. I knew it the moment I saw you.”

  “You have no idea, because I was supposed to be in Vegas living the lifestyle of the rich and shameless.”

  “Old boy’s rolling in it like that?”

  “Yeah, but he’s down to earth, humble and grounded. You’d never know he was that rich if you didn’t know who he was. Look I got to go.” I said as I gave Jamar a hug and a kiss on the lips.”

  “Okay, well tell Logic thanks for the Jersey, the sneaks and the football. Much love.”

  “Will do.” I smiled as I followed the guard out thinking how impossible it would be to completely walk away from either Logic or Tyson.

  Chapter 23

  Tyson and I talked mostly about Jamar’s case on the ride over to the court house. He agreed that it was a good move not exposing Jamar’s get out of jail free via mistrial card to him at this point. Besides we were fairly convinced that with the testimony of the car’s owner Jamar could get out free and clear.

  On our way I received a call from Dorian. “Hello.”

  “Hey Zatoya it’s Dorian, Dorian Swann, Logic’s friend.”

  “Hi Dorian, I’m on my way to court what can I do for you.”

  “Yeah I know. I’m on my way to court to meet you. I just need to know which court room and the time of the arraignment hearing.”

  “Dorian you don’t have to come. I got this.”

  “Yeah, I know you do, but Logic wants me there, so I’m coming into DC as we speak.”

  “Okay well, He’s in Court Room 212 and his hearing is the last one on the docket at four o’clock.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you there.”

  “Who was that?”

  “Logic’s attorney and apparently my ride home.”

  Tyson cut his eyes at me and hesitated before he spoke. “Your home is in DC, less than five minutes from the courthouse. I can take you home. Hell, I planned to take you home.”

  “I know, but I had no concept that any of this would even be an issue. Tyson I have feelings for this man and it’s obvious that he has feelings for me. Let me sort all this out so that I can give you an honest answer.”

  “Toy, I’m not trying to be crude, but an answer wasn’t really what I was trying to get from you tonight.”

  “I thought I was supposed to refrain from sex until after I make my decision.” I challenged.

  “No, you are supposed to refrain from having sex with Logic until after you’ve made your decision. It stands to reason that the face time that I needed was your face in my crouch, immediately, as soon as possible. Hell, like right now would be great.”

  “You are so damn nasty.” I laughed as I looked over and saw that his dick was as hard as an uncut, raw diamond.

  “I’m horny! That’s what I am.”

  “Didn’t you have somebody to handle that for you?”

  “Yeah you! Now that you’re back you need to get to work. That’s all I’m saying.” He teased as he sampled my lips. “Can’t you just give it a rub and tug or something?”

  “Hell no! You are not getting me to jack you off in a damn Lincoln Town Car with a flimsy ass privacy curtain.”

  “Oh come on Toy. You don’t know how much I missed you.”

  “Oh I can see exactly how much you missed me, but it’s not going to happen. So you might as well forget it. Haven’t you slept with anyone since I’ve been gone?”

  “For the hundredth time, I’m in love with you. There’s no one that I want to be with but you. I didn’t even want to be bothered with another woman I was so distraught over you leaving me. So, no it’s just been me, my hand, some Jergen’s lotion and that picture of you I took when you were sleeping naked on the couch.”

  “You were suppose to destroy that, with your nasty ass self.” I said as I playfully punched him in his arm, repeatedly.

  “It was a digital picture. I printed another one after you left me, so sue me.” He laughed. “Besides you looked so beautiful in that picture. I couldn’t delete it even if I wanted to.”

  I had forgotte
n how much I missed Tyson and Jamar for that matter. I had been so captivated by Logic’s allure, wealth and Charm City swag that I completely dismissed my friends without a care or an afterthought. No, I didn’t give Tyson a hand job, but I did let him hold me in his arms for the remainder of the ride. I must admit it felt good and for a brief moment I put my intense feelings for Logic on the back burner and let them simmer while I savored one of the many things that I loved about an old love.

  Chapter 24

  It was no surprise to find Dorian waiting for me outside the court room when we got there. However it was a big surprise to see who he brought with him. My knees weakened and the air briefly left my body as I discovered that Logic had tagged along for the ride. Tyson quickly dismissed himself to see if there was any word on the victim and left me to brief Dorian on the case and apparently deal with Logic.

  Logic hung back and watched me in my element. It was difficult to concentrate because it felt like his eyes was scanning my soul for the dirty little secret that I was trying so desperately to hide from him. Who the fuck was I kidding? I couldn’t even withstand his gaze let alone tell him that I was going to be staying in DC until Jamar’s case was heard.

  “So tell me about this conflict of interest between you and the DA that Logic was talking about.”

  “What?” I asked distracted as I caught a glimpse of Logic eyeballing me.

  “Logic said that there’s some type of conflict of interest that could cause a problem and possibly get you disbarred or something to that affect. He didn’t really understand it, so he really couldn’t explain it.”

  “Is that why he’s here?”

  “What? No, he just came to support you. He loves you. You get that right?”

  “He looks pissed.” I said as I glanced at him staring through me.

  “No, he’s just a little confused. Hey, he’s a man you know how we are. We want to be the biggest cock in the hen house, that’s all. It just rattled him a little when this guy shows up at his house unannounced. He’s okay. Don’t worry about him.”