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Toy's Story Page 13

Apparently Dorian read the confusion all over me and of course he could smell Tyson’s cologne all over me as well. “What the fuck was on my mind?” I thought.

  “Just talk to me. Attorney to attorney. You’re okay. What’s going on?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t know where to start. “Dorian I love him. I don’t want to lose him.”

  “Come on Zatoya. Just tell me what’s going on.” Dorian coached. “You obviously have to tell someone it might as well be me.”

  Yeah, like I’d fall for that bullshit. “Look, my past kind of came back around and is now threatening to snatch me out of my future. Before I met Logic I was involved with Tyson who’s the DA. We’ve been casually dating since college. During that time I started a friends with benefits relationship with Jamar Brown, the defendant which has been going on for a couple of years. So, this particular case finds Tyson prosecuting his girlfriend’s ex-lover.”

  “His ex-girlfriend. You said girlfriend.” Dorian corrected me.”

  “I’m sorry, I meant to say ex. Anyway, he couldn’t get off the case because the victim is some high profile tourist and the Mayor’s office wants him to personally handle it.”

  “So he can’t bow out because of a conflict of interest, because he would have to expose his relationship with you. And that would or could bring every case that the two of you have been involved in under scrutiny.”

  “Exactly. And of course if he prosecutes the case and wins, Jamar can cry foul and have it reversed under appeal, which will also shed light on our relationship.”

  “Okay, I get it. So ho w long did you date this guy?”

  “Seven years.”

  “Damn, that’s a lot of cases.”

  “Not really, we were real careful to stay out of the court room opposite each other. Still there were a couple of cases which we settled that could be viewed as questionable. Unfortunately, one was on New Year’s Eve. Naturally, he probably pulled some strings behind the scenes to get some of my deals through. I don’t know, but he’s really bothered by this situation. So, you can see my dilemma. There is a tremendous amount at stake if Jamar is convicted.”

  “Yeah, the DA could be disbarred and lose his job if Jamar cries foul. So I’m assuming that Jamar knows about your long standing relationship with Tyson.”

  “Unfortunately, yes. They met about a year ago, but neither of them said anything to me about it until recently.”

  “It sounds bad, but I think we can buy a little time. Hopefully that will give the victim an opportunity to recover and clear Jamar. Worst case scenario it’ll give the DA time to pass this case along to an Assistant DA or get the charges dropped completely on the basis of lack of concrete evidence.”

  “Let’s hope so. Okay well it’s time to go in. Please tell me you have a DC License to practice.”

  “Of course. Let’s go.”

  Now I’m not sure if any of you have ever been caught in a situation where you were stuck in the room with your ex-lover and your current lover. So, now add another ex-lover in the mix and multiply by ten and you’d have an inkling of how I felt. As nervous as a hooker turning tricks at a prayer meeting, I had to keep reminding myself that I’m a professional. The courtroom is my stage. It lights, camera and action when I walk in there and all eye are on me. Still, those six eyes were threatening to throw me complete off my game today.

  If Logic’s jaws weren’t tight seeing me with Tyson they were when he saw me talking to Jamar. Now I’m a fine ass woman, so it stands to reason that both Tyson and Jamar were as fine as hell. Jamar cleaned up real good and was wearing the hell out of that three hundred dollar suit I bought him.

  Yet, I don’t think that that was what really bothered Logic. He could tell that there was a little more to the friends with extremely good benefits story that I originally gave him. He could tell that these two men were in love with me after just ten minutes of observation. Sadly I never really saw it after years. Perhaps I didn’t want to see it because I didn’t want to be hurt again by somebody that I thought loved me. “What a fucking mess this is?” I thought as they read Jamar’s docket.

  Honestly I was a little frightened. I hadn’t been up against Tyson in years. In a way I was glad that he was still in my corner to say the least.

  “Good afternoon your Honor, I’m Zatoya Waters for the Defense and my Co Attorney is Dorian Swann.”

  “Good afternoon your Honor.” Dorian chimed in.

  “Good afternoon Mr. Swann. I do believe this is your first time in my courtroom.”

  “Yes your Honor. I practice mainly out of Baltimore.”

  “Baltimore, I’ve been there a time or two. Would you mind if I take a look at your DC License?”

  “Not at all your Honor.” Dorian said as he handed his license to the bailiff.

  As the Judge copied information from Dorian’s license she took the opportunity to greet her favorite attorney of them all William B. Tyson. “District Attorney Tyson it’s a pleasure to see you in my courtroom again. What brings you here? Getting bored pushing all those papers around?”

  “No your honor, not yet.”

  “Oh I’m going to enjoy seeing the two of you square off. However I’m going to warn the two of you to keep it clean. I know how you both like to fight dirty and sling mud everywhere, but I’m instituting a zero tolerance against that in here. So fight fair and keep it clean if that’s possible.” She smiled.

  I looked over at Dorian who was looking oddly at Tyson who was looking very strangely at me. “Is something wrong with my hair?” I vainly asked. Yeah, I know. I had the audacity to call Jamar the idiot.

  Dorian simply shook his head, “No that’s not it.”

  “Then what is it?” I asked as I smoothed my skirt to make sure my clothes hadn’t fallen off and left me standing there in my black thong. I was totally confused. I had never seen Tyson look at me like that before. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “You’re fine, but your friend is about to do something incredibly stupid.”

  Naturally my dumb ass looked over at Jamar who was oblivious to the whole thing. It was at that very moment I heard the Judge ask, “Are you okay District Attorney Tyson?”

  I looked back at Tyson and realized what was about to happen. “Oh hell to the no! He wouldn’t dare. ” I mumbled beneath my breath.

  “Hell yeah he would.” Dorian mumbled back as he slightly nodded his head.

  “No your honor. I mean yes your honor. I know this is a little irregular, but may I please speak to your Honor in her chambers.”

  “You’re right. It is extremely irregular. What is this about?”

  “Your Honor it’s an important private matter. If your Honor would please just indulge me for five minutes. I promise I will explain everything.”

  “Ms Water’s do you have any objections?” She asked.

  Honestly I think I had had a stroke and momentarily slipped into a coma, because I didn’t hear her. I was too busy staring at Tyson pleading for him to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

  “Ms Water’s.” She repeated. “What in the world is going on in here today?”

  At this point Dorian nudged me in my side, bringing me back to reality. Jamar looked at me and mouthed, “What the Fuck?”

  “Ms. Waters do you have any objections to me taking a five minute meeting in Chambers with DA Tyson on a private matter?”

  “I’m sorry your Honor. No your Honor I don’t have a problem with it as long as it does not concern my client or this case.”

  “Well, does it DA Tyson?”

  “No your Honor. Well, yes I guess it does, indirectly, your Honor.” He said as he looked at me with a desperation that I had never seen in face before.

  “Ah shit. I’m fucked.” I groaned.

  “Pretty much.” Dorian mumbled in agreement. “Front door and back door.”

  “Okay that’s it. I don’t know what’s going on in here, but I’m going to find out. I want to see all counselors in my Chambers in five minutes.”

“All rise.” The bailiff announced as the Judge stood up to leave the courtroom.

  I looked over one last time at Tyson who mouthed, “I’m sorry Toy, but I just can’t.”

  I simply nodded my head to let him know that I understood. As I watched the Bailiff as he returned to escort us to the Judge’s Chambers, I heard Logic’s sultry concerned voice ask. “Is everything okay?” as he tugged on the back of my suit jacket.

  I turned momentarily to look at him to lie, but the tears welling in my eyes told the story. I simply shook my head no and prepared to go.

  “Dorian, what’s going on?” He asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ll tell you when we get back.”

  “Toy are you okay? Zatoya, answer me.” He insisted.

  I didn’t answer. Hell I couldn’t answer. What was I going to say? I remained professional and gave him the give me a second hand maneuver and turned my attention where it should have been, back on my client. Jamar was scared and confused and looked at me like he had just been convicted of double murder.

  “Toy what just happened. Am I in trouble? Should I go with you? What’s going on? Tell me something.”

  Placing my hand on his shoulders I looked Jamar square in the face and said, “Calm down. You’re fine. This is not about you. It’s about me, but I can handle it, just wait here for me. Everything is going to be okay for you when I get back.”

  I still couldn’t speak to Logic. I simply reached back and touched his hands as the Bailiff all but patiently waited for me to follow him to the Judge’s Chambers.

  “Miss Waters Judge Mann is waiting. Can you please follow me?”

  “Let’s go Zatoya.” Dorian said as he pulled me away.

  As I somehow managed to walk without collapsing I looked back one last time to see Logic cradling his head in his hands like his world had just fell apart. Little did I know the same fate awaited me.

  “What the hell is going on out there?” Judge Mann asked as soon as the door to her Chambers closed.

  Tyson immediately spoke up. “Judge Mann, I apologize. I didn’t mean to create all of this confusion I just couldn’t do it. I thought I could, but then I realized that I couldn’t”

  “William Branford Tyson, stop babbling and tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “Okay… Judge Mann, I did everything in my power to get off this case once I discovered that Ms. Waters was the Defense Attorney, but I couldn’t. I thought I could be professional and put my feelings aside but I can’t.”

  “Tyson, stop spitting babble and get on with it.” The judge demanded.

  “The truth your Honor is that I’m madly in love with this woman. I have been for a very long time and if she’d have me I’d love for her to be my wife.”

  Judge Mann’s jaw could be heard in the holding facility below as it loudly crashed on the floor and shattered into power like fine sand. Tears raced down my face at an alarming speed and I steadied myself against Dorian to keep from dropping to the floor like a fifty pound sack of rotten potatoes. Tyson got on one knee before me and presented me with the diamond engagement ring for the second time within three hours.

  “Zatoya Waters I’ve loved you since the time I was born. My heart has searched the earth for yours from the first time it beat. Will you please marry me? I don’t think I can live another day without you.”

  “Oh My God!” Judge Mann sighed as she covered her mouth, which was now a gaping hole about the size of the Grand Canyon, with her hand.

  Dorian squared his shoulders, peeped briefly at the ring and then looked straight ahead. I burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably as Tyson took my extended hand and placed the beautiful engagement ring on my ring finger as I clutched tightly the necklace that held my promise ring from Logic.

  Yes you heard me, correctly- my extended hand. Tyson’s proposal melted my heart like warm butter and my heart immediately took control of my body. Without warning it quickly shut my brain down, made an executive decision and commanded my mouth to say, “Yes… yes I will marry you.”

  The Bailiff started a slow clap, the Assistant DA, and Judge Mann quickly joined in and finally a stunned and obviously disappointed Dorian surrendered and joined in as Tyson rose from his knees, snatched me in his strong arms and gave me a whorehouse kiss right in front of everyone. My heart was still running things and I did not resist his sweet tongue as it feverishly searched for mine. It was official, I was engaged and one of Logic’s best friends was there to be an eye witness to the whole damn thing.

  “Oh my God! What the fuck just happened?” My brain screamed as it woke up dazed and confused and too damn late to say or do a damn thing about it. “What the FUCK?”

  “Well alright. I guess I’m going to be invited to a wedding soon. Congratulations Ms. Waters. You have a mighty fine man there. Hell, if I was twenty years younger, I’d give you hell over him.” Judge Mann chuckled. “But getting back to the matter at hand, we still have a court room full of people waiting for us. I have to arraign Mr. Brown today or release him and I have no intentions of letting that happen. Assistant DA Thompson, can you take over for DA Tyson?”

  “Yes, your Honor in light of the situation I’d love to.”

  Judge Mann noticed Tyson holding me as I continued to sob softly in his arms, clinging to him like he was the last raft off the Titanic. “Zatoya’s a damn basket case. She’s going to be worthless out there.” She observed. “Attorney Swann are you capable of taking over the arraignment and bail hearing?”

  “Yes, your Honor, I am more than ready to proceed with both.”

  “Will you be posting bail today or is that just going to be a mute point?” She asked.

  “Yes, your Honor we will be seeking a reasonable bail amount.”

  “You can seek it, but you’re not going to get it. Considering the violent nature of the offence I’m setting bail at two million dollars. Just so that you know.”

  Dorian did not flinch. “Thank you for that information your Honor. I understand perfectly your Honor.”

  I looked at Dorian briefly and he gave me a nod to let me know that he had everything under control. Thank God, because I was about as useful as tits on a bull.

  Moments later we returned to the courtroom. Dorian took over for the Defense and stunned everyone in the courthouse, including me when he produced a Bank Branch Manager who wrote a Certified Check for two million dollars, on the spot, to cover Jamar’s bail. Jamar screamed and burst into tears after thanking Logic and praising Jesus. Blown completely away, I held my face in my hand and silently wept over Logic’s incredible generosity. I wept even more for my incredible betrayal of his trust. As I felt his familiar hand on my shoulder patting me to let me know that everything was going to be okay, I broke all protocol as I jumped up from my seat and literally ran out of the courtroom sobbing like a damn three year old. Considering the previous events of the evening Judge Mann ignored the disruption and allowed it without consequences.

  Still I knew that when that court let out of session there would be some very serious consequences and repercussions for my actions today. And I was by no means prepared to deal with any of them. How could I? Hell I still don’t know what the fuck happened! Will somebody please send me some fuckin help!


  The doors to the courtroom opened and people poured out quickly, but not a fraction as quick as my young heart began to beat as I spotted Logic bust through those doors and frantically search for me. Just as I summoned the strength to rush to him and try to explain what was going on Tyson suddenly emerged from a back entrance and cut me off mid stride. And then there I was, a place that I never thought that my independent woman, no man owns me, slick ass would be. I was the apex of a real life love triangle in the corridor of the damn courthouse no less.

  Now I’m not sure what a stroke feels like. Hell, I’m really too young to even be concerned with knowing the warning signs, but I am a hundred percent certain that I had a stroke when they both yelled, “Toy!” at the sam
e fuckin time. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak and it felt like my heart shot out of my butt and splattered to the ground.

  Logic stopped abruptly as he saw Tyson, who was closer, take my hand and whisper something in my ear, before kissing my lips. Well apparently you can still hear and process information when you have a stroke, because I distinctly heard Tyson say, “Let me handle this.”

  “What the fuck?” Logic asked stunned, as he prepared to race over to cold snatch my ass away from Tyson. Dorian quickly grabbed him by the arm and mumbled something beneath his breath.

  Logic’s eyes narrowed and turned as red as a laser stream as they beamed in and locked on me. As mad as a bitch that just missed a two for one designer stiletto sale he wrestled free of Dorian and charged towards us.

  “Is it true? Huh Toy is it true? Are you engaged to marry this Mother Fucka?”

  Before I could speak Tyson warned, “Watch your tone, because this Mother Fucka is the District Attorney of Washington DC and you’re a long fucking way from Vegas.”

  “Whigga fuck you! I don’t give a fuck who the fuck you are! I was talking to my girl.”

  “See, there I’m going to have to correct you. Apparently, your girl is now this Whigga’s fiancé, and again I’m going to warn you to watch your fucking tone!” Tyson said as he stepped closer to Logic.

  Needless to say the fucking shit had hit the industrial size fan as Tyson and Logic charged at each other only to be intercepted by Dorian and Jamar who both jumped between them at lightning speed. Naturally, I was absolutely no damn help. Still frozen like a fly on a metal ice tray I was helpless to prevent the two men that I loved from ripping each other apart.

  “Logic, let’s go! I’ll explain everything in the car.” Dorian pleaded.

  “Fuck that! Zatoya Waters is going to explain this shit to me right now. What the fuck is up Toy? Huh? You told me that you were single. What the fucks up?”

  Tyson was as mad as a dick kicked in the nuts. “You want an explanation? Okay I’ll give you one. Your girl has been my woman for the past seven years. Okay? And nothing the two of you did is going to change the fact that she’s in love with me and is going to be my wife.”