Toy's Story Page 18
Holding him tight and consoling him the best I could I let him know in no uncertain terms how important he was to me. “You are the kindest, gentlest and most generous man that I know. You’re my best friend in this entire world of over six billion people. I love you and I would lay down my life defending you. But my soul belongs to Logic. I’m sorry, I tried to fight it and I tried to dismiss it, but my feelings for him would not go away. I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you. I would only end up hurting you more than you’re hurting right now.”
Tyson looked at me as I wiped the tears from his eyes. He nodded that he knew. “I always knew. I just thought maybe I’d be lucky enough to marry you and prove to you that you could be happy with me. I guess I was wrong.”
“I’ve always been happy with you. That’s why you’re my best friend. I could talk to you about almost anything. Unfortunately, I could never talk to you about my feelings for Logic.”
“What am I suppose to tell everyone? We have over three hundred guest coming. Toy my parents and my family are here from Richmond.”
“I know just blame it all on me. It’s okay. Just tell them whatever you need to. The wedding planner can take care of the rest of the guest.”
“Yeah, you’re right. She might as well earn the twenty thousand dollars she’s charging me.”
“Twenty thousand dollars, are you serious? Call her ass right now.” I joked as I gave Tyson my phone.
He smiled for the first time since I arrived. “Don’t worry I got it.” He said as he picked his phone up from the coffee table and dialed the wedding planner. “Hi Shannon, this is William Tyson. We need you to contact the guest and tell them that the wedding has been postponed indefinitely. The Bride is ill. She has a bad case of food poisoning. I’ll contact you with further instructions next week.”
“I would have done that for you.”
“You wouldn’t have appeared sick enough to miss your wedding if you did.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I’ll tell my parents the same thing and eventually I’ll just tell them that we decided not to get married. It’ll just be easier for them to swallow this way.
“Tyson I am so sorry about this.” I said as I slipped his engagement ring in his hand. “I’ll pay for everything. I promise. Just send me all of the bills.”
“Yeah, I can tell by your new ring that you’ll be able to afford it.” Tyson said as he examined my ring before softly kissing my hand.
“I feel so bad about this. Will you ever forgive me?”
“I already have. Don’t worry about it. You deserve all the happiness this big heart of yours can handle.” He said as he hugged me tight and then kissed my mouth hard for the very last time. “I love you Toy. Nothing will ever change that. The second Logic screws up or drops dead I’ll be right there to claim what is mine. Make sure he knows that. Okay?”
“I will.” I smiled as I kissed him goodbye.
Chapter 31
After leaving Tyson I had to face my parents and explain my sudden change in wedding plans. Needless to say my parents were not very happy with my decision to change grooms on my wedding day. But after I informed them that their new son in law was an extremely famous and wealthy man, they chilled the hell out. They conceded that it was my life to live and they would not stand in the way of true love.
Logic and I were scheduled to be married in the Penthouse were my Bachelorette Party was held. It was to be an intimate, secret wedding with just our family and close friends. The media and the paparazzi would have a feeding frenzy if they caught wind of the fact that Logic Hart of the Nevada Kings was getting married. So the Penthouse suite rented by Queen was the perfect place.
Unbeknown to me my new best girlfriends had been secretly conspiring with Logic to highjack my wedding to Tyson the entire time. They knew firsthand how I felt about Logic and they knew exactly how Logic felt about me. With this knowledge in hand they took it upon themselves to orchestrate a backup wedding plan, just in case I decided to play runaway Bride and skip out on Tyson.
Every single thing that I wanted, but decided that it was too extravagant or too expensive they ordered it and Logic paid for it. My wedding dress was a custom Vera Wang original flown in from Paris two days before the wedding. My wedding jewelry was estimated to be worth over a quarter of a million dollars. And yes, it was mine to keep forever and ever. Jade and Queen had secretly planned the most lavish wedding that I could have ever hope for or imagine. I was eternally grateful. They were true friends for life.
Logic looked absolutely astonishing in his custom, hand tailored black tuxedo as he stood at the altar nervously waiting for me. I had never seen him look so damn fine. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him as my father and I anxiously awaited our cue. His smile had me hypnotized and I could hardly wait to taste his sweet lips. My legs felt like jelly as my dad linked his arms in mine and prepared to escort me to my Groom.
The Penthouse was magically transformed into a tropical oasis with plants and flowers imported from around the world. Hundreds of strategically placed candles flickered, infusing a calm, tranquil romantic ambiance. The atmosphere was majestic. And as I walked down that short aisle all eyes were on me. I felt like a princess in a fairytale who was finally about to get her happily ever after. My climb up the Pretty Boy tree was almost complete.
Jade and Queen were my only Bridesmaids. Yeah, yeah I know that they actually would be considered Matrons of Honor since they were both already married. But I told you that I didn’t have any friends. So let’s just call them Bridesmaids. Besides, this is my story so could you please just let me tell it my way. Okay?
Anyway, they looked amazing in their strapless, short, periwinkle evening gowns. True to her word Queen had lost all of her baby fat and was wearing the hell out of that dress. It was easy to see why Logic and Teddy were both captivated by her for so long. She was stunningly beautiful. Still, no words could describe Jade, the small petite bombshell. Her exotic beauty was striking and unforgettable. They instantly became emotional and fought back tears as I approached the altar in my custom Vera Wang wedding gown.
Dorian and the unnervingly arrogant Teddy stood at Logic’s side as his Best Men. Both extraordinarily handsome men by any standard, they looked absolutely breathtaking in their black custom tailored tuxedos. Yet they both were mere window dressings for my drop dead gorgeous Groom, Logic Hart.
My heart stopped and my breath ceased as our eyes met for the first time. He stared into my soul and found the place that I had reserved all these years for only him. He nodded as if to confirm to himself what we both always knew. Our love was a timeless phenomenon that was always meant to be.
So in love with this man I was tempted to run and throw myself in his arms, but my dad had a tight hold on me. Logic smiled as he saw me try to wrestle free from my dad to rush to him. Touched, he wiped away a trail of tears which slowly trickled down his Adonis face. He was so anxious he was trembling. It warmed my spirit to know that I had that type of affect on a man of his magnitude. As my father finally placed my hand into the hand of my soul mate, the love of my life, my soon to be husband I wept, because I was so incredibly happy and blessed.
The wedding ceremony was brief and to the point, just the way we wanted it. Logic and I exchanged vows and were married that night in front of less than fifty or so close family members and friends. Everyone was happy and immensely enjoyed themselves as they celebrated our love and partied well into the early morning.
Hungry for each other, Logic and I quietly slipped away to the Bridal Suite to officially consummate our marriage and our love. As we lay entwined in each other’s arms enjoying the afterglow of our first thunderous orgasm as man and wife I had but one thing to say to my new husband. “You know you were right.”
“About what?” Logic asked as he tried to slowly regain his ability to think and speak coherently.
“Sex is ten times better when you are in love.”
sp; He chuckled as he remembered what he told me the very first night we met. “See, I told you. Aren’t you glad you gave love one more try?”
“Yes, but not half as glad as I am that I got my crazy ass in that limo with you that Christmas Eve, Santa.” I giggled.
“Ho! Ho! Ho!” He moaned as once again Santa’s gigantic candy cane magically disappeared in my mouth.
Not the end, but the beginning of a legendary love.
Thank You
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About the Author
Brenda Stokes Lee is an author, screenwriter, novelist and a good old fashioned storyteller who refuses to let a trivial little thing like the truth come between her and a good story.
Born in North Carolina, but raised in the suburbs of Washington D.C., this writer is a Morgan State University graduate who currently resides in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.
Creative, funny and full of tall tales of love, mystery, fantasy, action, intrigue and grown folk's drama, Brenda is determined to make you laugh, to make you cry and most important to make you feel alive.
Other Books by Brenda Stokes Lee
All Mye Queen’s Men Chronicles of Love Series
Book 1 All Mye Queen’s Men- A Love of Her Own
Book 2 All Mye Queen’s Men- Weathering Love's Storm
Book 3 All Mye Queen’s Men- No More Secrets
Book 4 All Mye Queen’s Men- New Beginnings
Book 5 All Mye Queen’s Men- Two Forbidden Loves
Book 6 All Mye Queen’s Men- There Can Be Only One King
GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story
Georgia on My Mind
All Available for Purchase @ Grown Folks Books and Lulu
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Grown Folks Books
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
About the Author