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Toy's Story Page 8

  “You graduated from CBC, right?”

  “No I graduated from FDC.”

  “Okay that was an easy one. My grandma could answer that one.”

  Amused Logic laughed. “So what else you got?”

  “Who signed the FDC Quarterback the year that you were drafted? I bet you can’t answer that with your wannabe fake ass.”

  “No one. His name was Paul Crown and he was a very good friend of mine. Paul was gunned down and murder before the draft. He never was signed, but it was rumored that the Dallas Cowboys had hopes of signing him.”

  “Oh shit! It is you. What's up nigga?”

  “Not much?”

  “I can't believe it's you. So what are you doing in the area? Don't tell me they're trading your ass to the Red Skins, or the Ravens and shit?”

  Logic laughed, “Hell no! Ain't no bullshit like that going down. I'm from Baltimore.”

  “Yeah, I think I read that shit somewhere. So what are you doing with Toy?”

  “Actually I'm feeling Toy in a really big way. She's my girl now. So much respect to you and yours, but I need you to find somebody else to call. You're disrupting my flow.”

  Jamar was silent for awhile. “Alright I can do that if that's what Toy really wants. She's a good person; I just want her to be happy. Just take good care of her. Okay?”

  “I'll do that.”

  “Oh yeah... One more thing Logic.”

  “Yeah what's that?”

  “If you hurt Toy, in any way, mentally, physically or emotionally... I'm coming to Vegas to break my two dollar foot off in your hundred million dollars fuckin ass. You can believe that shit! Alright? I've been to jail; it's not a problem to go back.”

  Logic chuckled, “Yeah I feel you. Don't worry that's not going to happen.” Logic assured him as he pulled me into his lap and hugged me tight, before kissing my frontal lobe.

  “Good. So can you hook me up with an autograph or what?”

  “Sure, I'll send you an autographed jersey and a football.”

  “Thanks. That's what's up!”

  “No problem.”

  “Hey, put Toy back on for me.”


  “Yeah, I'm here.”

  “On the real Toy. I loved you, no matter what you thought or what you felt. It's just that you made it painfully clear that what we had was all that you wanted. So I took what you offered and supplemented the rest. Now, I wished I had pressed a little harder for what I wanted. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?”

  “Yeah, I understand.”

  “I appreciate everything that you did for me and my kids. You're a good woman. You deserve to be happy. I hope it works out for you.”


  “Alright... well I guess this is it.” Jamar sighed.

  “Yeah, I guess so. Take care of those beautiful children. Okay?”

  “Will do. Yeah make sure that nigga Logic sends my shit. I still can't believe it. When did you meet him?”

  “I met him on Christmas Eve when I was stranded in West Virginia. He rescued me and got me back home safely.”

  “Word? Toy I'm sorry I couldn't come for you that night. You know that I would have been there if I could.”

  “Yeah, I know. Don't worry about it. It worked out.”

  “I guess everything happens for a reason.” He nervously chuckled. “Wow that's some wild ass shit.”

  “Yeah I guess so.” I conceded.

  “Look, I love you; you know that right, Toy? Just in case there was ever any doubt.”

  “I know, and I love you too. Look, I have to go.”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  “Take care of yourself Jamar.” I said as I hung up the line with countless, unexpected, mixed emotions.

  Logic could see that I was a little disturbed by what Jamar said. Still, he said nothing. He simply held me tight as I wiped a lone tear from the corner of my eye.

  I never realized that my independent spirit and guarded demeanor was the reason that my relationship with Jamar never moved out of the friend’s zone. Really, I didn't want more from Jamar, probably because I realized that I deserved better. Jamar was what you would call an Under Dog. He was an under achiever who was under educated, under employed, under paid and under the control of his stupid ass big dick. He could no more fit in my world than I could fit in his. But behind closed doors and beneath my Egyptian cotton sheets, we were equally matched and perfectly suited to completely satisfy each other. And sadly, that was enough for me at the time.

  I couldn't help but ponder one thing as Logic engaged me in a sensual kiss and slipped his big hands between my thighs to pleasure me. Jamar took it in stride and amazingly with a lot of self control, but Tyson wasn't going to be so cordial and easily dismissed. It was going to be a fuckin fight and I knew instinctively that William Branford Tyson was not above fighting dirty. In fact he loved it. I guess Jamar was right about one thing, everything happens for a reason.

  Chapter 16

  Late one Saturday afternoon in Vegas Logic and I were just having lazy day and trying to find something to do other than each other. Yeah well that lasted all of an hour before my attention returned to my favorite new toy, Logic's dick. Crawling in his lap like a stray cat I sampled his lips to see if he was willing to let it come out and play. As I felt it stir and instantly began to grow hard and stiff against my round bottom, I smiled.

  “Don't even fuckin start. We just got out of the damn bed. No! Find something else to do.” He warned as he continued to aimlessly flip channels with the remote.

  “Your mouth is saying no, but your Man- Man is saying Hells Yeah!” I teased as I continued to snuggle and nibble on his ear lobe.

  Logic laughed. “Shit... If I listened to Man- Man's stupid ass I would have fucked half the Nevada King's Cheer Squad at least twice. So, I don't give a damn what Man- Man has to say.”

  Unmoved and really not listening to a damn thing he said I slid my hand down the front of his basketball shorts and grabbed Man- Man by the neck and meticulously began to choke the shit out of him. Instantly Logic shut the hell up and allowed me to be the best girlfriend ever.

  Logic's nature was so thick and long I couldn't completely wrap my hands around its circumference. Still, my soft hands stroked him firm but gently as I stuck my tongue deep in his mouth. All in and ready to go, he sucked my tongue down his throat sending chills to my erotic core and moisture to my already wet panties. As I continued to Slow Mo Hand Blow him I looked in his eyes and searched for what I knew I would find, unconditional love and complete admiration. This man was in awe of me and it showed. And Ray Charles could see that I was totally captivated by his Charm City swag and his Louisville slugger dick.

  Unable to focus his eyes rolled back in his head as I pleasured him with my hands and grind my big ass in his lap.

  “You are so fuckin nasty.” He groaned.

  “You like it.” I challenged.

  “See, that's where you're wrong. I don't like it. I fuckin love it!” He confessed.

  I snickered. “I know you do, because you're even nastier than I could ever be.”

  “Lady you have no idea how fuckin nasty I can be.” Logic warned as he stood to his feet with me still in his lap.

  Momentarily startled I released Man- Man and wrapped my arms around his neck. Without warning Logic quickly flipped me upside down and buried his face in the crouch of my panties. Needless to say I almost passed out as he sucked the lips of my wet koochie into his hot mouth and licked my clit with his energetic tongue. Helpless and dangling upside down I screamed like a girl as he licked and sucked me to totally exhaustion and completion.

  Struggling to catch my breath I caught site of Man- Man dangling like a gigantic chocolate pop-sickle within inches of my mouth. Short winded or not I grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth. As I sucked it quickly down my throat I felt Logic's knees weaken. He moaned into my wet pussy. “Oh fuck yeah. That's what's up.”

  Strung out o
n each other we shamelessly continued to devour one another in a standing sixty nine in the middle of the damn family room. Time seemed to stand still as we gobbled each other’s goodies in anticipation of a release of dynamic proportion. Unwilling to allow this gorgeous man to get the upper hand I defied the laws of both physics and gravity as I hooked my legs around Logic's broad shoulders and pulled my body up until I was straddling his handsome face. Not afraid of a challenge he ate my pussy like it was a seven course soul food meal with Peach Cobbler and Kool-Aid.

  Quickly losing control I grind hard against his face as my climax raced over me so fast I became dizzy. “I'm coming!” I screamed as I grabbed the back of his head and held on for dear life.

  Determined to show me why he was the King of Heart, Logic intensified his efforts- sucked harder and licked quicker until I screamed like a cat that had just been declawed without anesthesia. As I tried to pull away he held me by my ass tighter and continued to devour me like I was his mamas Sweet Potato pie. My mouth was open but no sound emerged as orgasm number two overtook me and almost rendered me unconscious.

  Sensing his victory and skirting dangerously close to a nuclear meltdown of his own, Logic flipped me over and bent me over the arm of the big overstuffed sofa and entered me Froggy style. That was it, I was officially done. Ten strokes later I was hollering and screaming uncontrollably from the big O number three and he was just getting started. It was at that very moment that I realized that this freaky ass nigga had been holding out on me. Entering the zone, Logic went funky cold medieval on my horny ass. Stroke after stroke after stroke he tried to rip the lining out of my pussy.

  “Oh fuck this shit!” I thought. “I am not going out like this!”

  Realizing that I still had a few tricks left in my Freak Bag I pushed back hard and met him stroke for stroke as I methodically isolated my vaginal muscles, tightened my pussy and I tried to squeeze the head off of his swollen dick. Without warning he lost control and screamed out like a fuckin frightened little girl who was lost in the woods as he released hard and quick inside me. Spent and exhausted he collapsed on top of me as he struggled to gain consciousness.

  “Bravo! Bravo! Brav Fuckin O! Someone yelled as they slow clapped and applauded our performance.

  “What the fuck?” Logic yelled as he scrambled to pull on his basketball shorts and I ran behind the couch to hide.

  “Nigga! What the fuck are you doing here? And how the fuck did you get in my house?”

  “I used my key. What? Did you forget you gave me a key?” The man laughed.

  “Yeah, I know I gave you a key and shit, but I thought you'd at least call or some shit before you showed up.”

  “My mistake. I had no idea that I'd walk in on you executing a perfect standing sixty niner in the middle of the fuckin great room, in the middle of the fuckin day. I would give you a ten but her legs were open.” He laughed. “OMG! That shit was on! Damn, that was some hot and spicy shit. Y'all were seriously getting it in! You two should really consider making a porno.”

  “Nigga fuck you!” Logic chuckled. “Nasty ass bastard!”

  “What's up Big Money? How have you been? I hadn't heard from you in a minute so I decided to roll through and see what was going on.”

  “Man, I can't even complain about a damn thing. I'm just enjoying life with my girl. Toy it's okay. It's just Teddy's stupid ass. You can come out.”

  Embarrassed, ashamed, disoriented and pissed I reluctantly emerged from behind the couch. My eyes set site on Teddy Bear Davine for the very first time and I was spellbound. Six foot five inches of Dark German Chocolate, this man was finer than crushed fairy dust. Broad shoulders, wide developed chest and muscular arms all made me want to swoon but when I caught a glimpse at the heat that he was packing it was all I could do to keep from dropping my panties right on the floor at his fuckin feet. Then it hit me like a bag of frozen nickels, this nigga just watched Logic power drive me from behind. “Oh my God!” My brain screamed. “How fuckin embarrassing!”

  Too proud to run away in shame I smoothed my hair back and tucked my long hair in a bun as I eyed him with total contempt. I had on one of Logic's oversized jerseys so I was completely covered. At this point there was no need to run.

  “Toy this is my jackass friend Teddy that I told you about. Teddy this is Zatoya Waters, my girl. Zatoya's an attorney. We call her Toy.”

  A confident incredibly sexy grin of brilliant white teeth graced Teddy's face as he methodically scanned me from head to toe. It was obvious that he liked what he saw and God knows he had just seen pretty much all of me.

  “How are you doing Toy? I'm sorry I caught you at a bad time.” He apologized.

  I did not respond as I continued to stare him down before heading upstairs to change. “Ass!” I mumbled beneath my breath.

  “Oh she's mad at you.” Logic laughed as he offered Teddy a cold beer from the bar and took a big gulp from the one he got for himself.

  “She should be mad at you. You were the one back dooring her on the sofa in the middle of the fucking day!”

  “Nigga I wasn't back dooring her. Besides you're the last one who should talk as many times I caught you balls deep in not one but two or three women... in the fuckin foyer… in the middle of the fuckin day!”

  “Yeah, I guess you got a point there.” Teddy laughed. “M-A-N! Dorian told me that she was fine, but D-A-M-N! I had no fuckin idea. That woman is bad as hell!”

  “You’re right… you have no damn idea how deliciously wonderful that woman is! And you'd better not even entertain the idea of fuckin with her. I'm not playing with your big ass this time, Teddy! Fuck with her if you want to, I'm going to fuck your shit up! Believe that shit. This could be Mrs. Hart.”

  “Nigga, whatever! Your ass ain’t marrying nobody. Still… Just so you know, if you fuck up and fumble on this play, I'm going to recover and that's no joke. That girl has a future and a past and I’d love the opportunity to satisfy that phat ass.” He chuckled.

  “Bitch please! When have you ever seen me fumble a fuckin ball? Besides, you don't have to worry about picking up my sloppy seconds this time, even though we both know that that’s your favorite meal.” Logic laughed.

  “Bitch whatever! Don’t blame me if your women like the deluxe ride better.”

  “That may be true, but can't nobody make me fuck that up! Not even you and your silly ass bullshit. So, leave her alone... Okay?”

  “I ain't making no damn promises. Shorty’s fine as a mother fucka!” Teddy laughed.

  “Alright, I’m only going to say it once. So, consider yourself warned.” Logic raised his eyebrow and gave Teddy the evil eye to ensure that they had an understanding.

  “Man I ain't going to bother your girl.” Teddy quickly dismissed the thought to set Logic's mind at ease. “I can’t even keep track of the ones I’m fucking already.”

  “Alright, enough said. I'm only saying it once this fuckin time. I still owe you an ass whipping from the last time.”

  “Nigga… I said I heard you. Damn, you keep saying that you’re only going to say it once, yet you’ve already said it twice! Why do we have to have this conversation every damn time you find a piece of pussy that fits? Damn!” Teddy laughed uneasy.

  “You know exactly why! Greedy ass bitch! Do you have to lick every clit you see?” Logic laughed.

  “Hey, what can I say? It’s a tough job but somebody has to do it.” Teddy chuckled as he held his fist out for a pound from Logic.

  Logic laughed as he pound Teddy’s fist. “Yeah I guess you’re right.”

  Now, you know that I was not going upstairs and let those two Neanderthals talk about me while I was gone. Perched comfortably on my favorite hideaway on the grand stairs I heard everything. After the conversation shifted to sports I went upstairs to shower and prepare for my inevitable showdown with Mr. Teddy Bear Davine.

  Chapter 17

  By the time I returned from my much needed shower Logic and Teddy had moved to the kitche
n were Logic was cooking brunch. An enormous sinister grin crept across Teddy’s face as I entered the room. His eyes molested me as I walked across the gigantic kitchen to give Logic a kiss on the lips.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as I sampled his sweet, soft lips.

  “Cooking some food for this greedy, big head nigga. This nigga’s always hungry with his big ass self.” Logic joked as he sampled my lips.

  “You need some help?” I asked as I tried to ignore the sting of Teddy’s intense glare on my perfect, round ass.

  “No, I got it. Go get to know Teddy. Just remember what I told you.”

  “Do I have to?” I mumbled as I looked over at Teddy and rolled my eyes.

  “What? Of course you do. Just don’t look him straight in his eyes.” Logic teased. “Go ahead he’s harmless.”

  Against my better judgment I allowed Logic to convince me that Teddy was harmless. Now, right after I Googled Logic Hart that day, I Googled his best friend the infamous Teddy Bear Davine. A notorious love them and leave them, strung out, crying and wanting more playa, Teddy was one of the most controversial players in the NFL on and off the field. Naturally it immediately made me question the down home innocence of Logic, but I quickly discovered that they were as different as night and day.

  Teddy was anything but low key and humble. With and estimated net worth in excess of one hundred and thirty million dollars he was one of the most sought after bachelors of the Free World. Ironically, the only woman who even came within a millennium of getting that deliciously sexy piece of hot melted chocolate to the altar was Mye Fuckin Queen! Seriously! This chick must have a pussy made with diamonds and kryptonite. What the fuckin hell?

  Apparently her on and off again love affair with Logic was plagued by her total obsession with the cocky, brash Teddy Bear. Unable to choose between the two she took an easy out and chose Dr. Love with his fine ass self. Remind me to call her ass to see if she gives lessons. Unfucking believable! Men don’t come finer than Logic Hart, but somehow this trick found not one but two equally succulent substitutes and strung them all along like cheap ass pearls on a damn dollar store necklace.